Good Care Month: Why we should thank social care workers

CARE: noun, verb

(1) ‘To look after and provide for the needs of.’

(2) ‘The provision of what is necessary for the health, maintenance, and protection of something or someone.’ 


We all care for ourselves, and others in various ways, every day. When our care isn’t enough, nurses, support workers, full-time carers, part-time carers, social workers and other healthcare professionals step in and do incredible work.


That’s what Good Care Month is all about: recognising the great work our social care workers do each and every day. 


Why social care is so important in the UK

We’ve relied on social care throughout the pandemic

At every step of the last year, carers and healthcare workers have made huge sacrifices, and worked incredibly hard under difficult conditions, sometimes with a lack of funding, protection equipment, or support.

More of the UK than ever before has needed access to mental health care and support during the pandemic, and that has been provided by volunteers, support staff, and care workers. 

The UK has an ageing population

Another reason social care is such an important part of our healthcare system, as in the UK we are living in an ageing population.


In the 1950s it was recorded that just over 10% of our population was made up of people aged 65 and over. In 2018, figures revealed this same group made up 18% of our population, and future predictions project that by 2050 almost a quarter of our population will be made up of people aged 65 and over.


Of course, not all people aged 65 and above are reliant on others to live independently, but as our population grows, there will be an increased demand on our healthcare services, and this is already being felt today. 


This increasing demand means there is a need to recruit more people with a passion for social care. But this month isn’t about focusing on what we don’t have, it’s about appreciating what we do have: carers who are consistently present, giving their best practice of care, treating individuals with respect, compassion and dignity day in, day out.


I recently attended training for ‘person-centred care’ and was so encouraged to see healthcare professionals genuinely passionate about the wellbeing and self-development of vulnerable people in our society. So, to all the healthcare professionals reading this blog: we say a big thank you!

Practice care for yourself, and show your appreciation for carers

The term ‘Good Care’ is multifaceted, so practice some good #selfcare this summer; try a new work out programme, write a bucket list, put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and pick up a book or learn a new skill, but also don’t forget to find a healthcare worker near you like a neighbour, friend, or family member and find a way to show them your appreciation and support!

  • Abigail Omojafo, Volunteer Adult Services

Posted on: 20th July 2021

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