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Everyone deserves the help and respect they need to recover. We listen, support recovery, fight stigma, and work with partners to take action on mental health. We provide services for adults, children and young people, and training and consultancy for employers.


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Acknowledging a mental health problem 

Mental health is very similar to physical health. It’s just that a lot of the time it’s more difficult to recognize symptoms of anxiety, for example, because they’re not as obvious as a broken leg or a streaming cold. 

Posted on: 10th July 2024

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PTSD Awareness Day 

Thursday 27th June is designated PTSD awareness day. It was first organised in the US in 2010, when the Senate nominated that day in memory of Joseph Biel, a former Staff Sergeant who had served in the North Dakota Air National Guard. A year after returning home from his second tour of Iraq, he took his own life aged just 37, having battled with PTSD.

Posted on: 27th June 2024

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Learning Disabilities Week

This year, it begins on Monday 17th June. It is intended to be a celebration and an opportunity to increase awareness. More than anything else it is a chance for people to show what it is like to live with learning disabilities. For 2024 the theme is, ‘Do you see me?’. This means raising the profile of people with learning disabilities, encouraging and empowering them to be seen, heard and respected within society. 

Posted on: 17th June 2024

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Volunteers’ Week 2024

Naturally enough, one ongoing aim of Volunteers’ Week is to acknowledge the time and efforts generously given by millions of volunteers across the UK to thousands of good causes. A second goal is to encourage and inspire more people from all walks of life to consider offering a little of their time to make a difference within their communities and beyond.

Posted on: 3rd June 2024

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