Fundraising terms and conditions – running and challenge events

Before you start your fundraising for HFEH Mind*, you must agree to the terms and conditions below. These terms are a fundraising agreement between you and HFEH Mind.

(*Hammersmith and Fulham Association for Mental Health, a charity with its registered office at 309 Lillie Road, London, SW6 7LL.)

For those with a charity place, or taking part on a charity sponsorship or mixed fundraising basis

  • I understand that the event is not organised by HFEH Mind, but by a third-party event organiser. It’s my responsibility to read any terms and conditions issued by the event organiser and comply with these. 
  • I’m medically and physically fit and understand that I take part in this event at my own risk. HFEH Mind won’t be held responsible for any injury or illness related to my training or taking part in this event. 
  • I understand that HFEH Mind may need to share my name and email address with the event organiser and where necessary, with other third parties involved in the administration of the event.  
  • When the event organiser contacts me, I’ll complete their registration process because I understand this is required to confirm my entry. I understand that if I fail to do this before the deadline specified by HFEH Mind, I won’t be allowed to take part in the event and my place will be cancelled. My registration fee will also be non-refundable. 
  • I understand that the registration fee that I’ve paid is non-refundable under any circumstances and won’t be counted towards my fundraising target. 
  • I understand that my place can’t be transferred to another person or event.  
  • I commit to raising at least the fundraising target specified for my event. I’ll collect and pay all money I’ve raised to HFEH Mind within 4 weeks of the event. 
  • I’m aware and acknowledge that HFEH Mind reserves its right to cancel my place in the event should I fail to comply with my agreed obligations or should I fail to meet my fundraising obligations to HFEH Mind’s satisfaction.  
  • I acknowledge that all funds raised for HFEH Mind are held on trust and I’m legally obliged to ensure that HFEH Mind receives the donated funds.
  • It can take 8-10 weeks or more for a Gift Aid claim to be processed and for HFEH Mind to receive the money from HMRC. For this reason, I understand that Gift Aid won’t count towards my fundraising target. 
  • If I’m unable to take part in this event, I’ll notify HFEH Mind by email as soon as possible. 

For those with their own place, or taking part on a self-funding basis

  • I understand that the event is not organised by HFEH Mind, but by a third-party event organiser. It’s my responsibility to read any terms and conditions issued by the event organiser and comply with these. 
  • I’m medically fit and understand that I take part in this event at my own risk. HFEH Mind won’t be held responsible for any injury or illness related to my training or taking part in this event.
  • I understand that any registration fee that I’ve paid is to the event organiser and that their terms and conditions apply. 
  • I understand that HFEH Mind may ask for proof that I’ve secured my own place from the event organiser. 
  • I’ll do my best to raise as much money as I can for HFEH Mind. 
  • If I’m unable to take part in this event, I’ll notify the event organiser and HFEH Mind by email as soon as possible. 
  • I understand that, should I need to defer my place, it’s my responsibility to liaise with the event organiser to arrange this. This will be at their discretion and on their terms. I’ll let HFEH Mind know, so that the money I raise will be counted towards my fundraising target for the following year and they can continue to contact me about my fundraising. 

Photography disclaimer

There may be a photographer at this event. This means that photos or videos may be taken of you participating in the event. 

HFEH Mind may use these photographs or videos in marketing materials and communications for future events and fundraising; this will include online and print materials, for a period of up to 5 years. Sometimes we’ll also share these photographs and videos with fundraising partners and corporate partners to use in their own marketing to publicise our work and fundraising in aid of HFEH Mind.  

If you do not wish your photograph to be taken and/or used, please let us know so that we can make the necessary arrangements. If you have any questions about the use of these images and need more information, please contact [email protected].

If you want to change your details at any time you can do so by emailing [email protected]

General terms and condition of fundraising

The following terms and conditions apply to all fundraisers.

When I’m fundraising for HFEH Mind:

  • I’ll give my best efforts to raise money for HFEH Mind. I’ll make clear to those who support my fundraising that the money I raise for HFEH Mind will be treated as a donation and used for HFEH Mind’s work.
  • I understand that donations are not generally refundable, even if I fail to take part in or withdraw from the event. 
  • I’ll notify HFEH Mind if my fundraising event date changes or is postponed so that they can update their records.
  • I will fundraise in a way that does not endanger or harm myself, any supporter or member of the public. I will follow any fundraising guidelines provided by HFEH Mind. 
  • I will respect privacy and not fundraise in a way that could be considered persistent or aggressive towards the public. 
  • I recognise that when I’m fundraising for HFEH Mind, my actions will be linked to HFEH Mind and their cause. I will not do anything to bring HFEH Mind’s name into disrepute. 
  • I acknowledge that HFEH Mind is unable to provide insurance for fundraising activity. And that I’m responsible for securing appropriate insurance cover if required for my fundraising activity. 
  • I will make sure that when I’m fundraising for HFEH Mind, their name and registered charity number (801259) are displayed wherever possible. 
  • I will collect and pay to HFEH Mind (charity number 801259) all money raised through my fundraising within 3 months of collecting it. 
  • I’m medically and physically fit and understand that I take part in this event at my own risk. HFEH Mind won’t be held responsible for any injury or illness related to my training or taking part in this event.  
  • I will get approval from HFEH Mind before using their “in aid of” logo for marketing, external promotion and communications. I will not use HFEH Mind’s official logo, which I understand can only be used by the charity and logo license-holders. 
  • I’ll get approval from HFEH Mind before approaching any companies, press or celebrities to support my activity. 
  • I will sign the relevant form for the use of collection tins, if required and ensure these are properly sealed with charity tin seals before collecting.
  • I will not collect donations door-to-door or in a public place without getting a collector’s licence from my local authority or police.
  • I will not collect donations on private property without the owner’s permission. This includes shops and pubs.
  • I won’t hold a raffle, lottery or prize draw unless it is permitted by Local Authority and Gambling Commission regulation. I understand that it’s my responsibility to ensure I understand the rules and regulations regarding raffles for fundraising.
  • I will not sell alcohol at any event without having the appropriate licence.
  • I will not sell goods or services using HFEH Mind’s name or logo without first contacting HFEH Mind and signing an agreement to do so.
  • I will not state that my business (or any other business) will be donating to HFEH Mind without first contacting HFEH Mind and signing an agreement.
  • I acknowledge that HFEH Mind cannot take responsibility for any losses or harm made through my activity or liability arising from my activity.
  • I will only use HFEH Mind-branded fundraising materials that I’ve been given for the fundraising I’ve registered. This includes both print and digital materials..

HFEH Mind may vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time. The up-to-date terms shall be available on this website.

These Terms and Conditions, and any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with them, are governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.


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